Who We Are
The Community Cultural Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is providing a gathering space to promote the social well-being of the North Okanogan communities. We have established and continued to maintain a multi-purpose facility for cultural, educational, social, and recreational opportunities to promote resilience, abundance and connection to our local community.
We strive to create a corporative and peaceful environment for youth, families, seniors, veterans, and other local individuals to have access to cultural experiences, education, and economic opportunities.
We are a 7200 sq. foot building with many hand-crafted elements and a very fun atmosphere. Complete with a full use commercial kitchen, charming dining hall and impressive Assembly Hall, all of which can be rented out individually or in a package anytime of the year! Perfect for fundraisers, classes, workshops, social gatherings, concerts, parties, weddings and more.
Where We Started
A Labor of Love

What is now known as the Community Cultural Center, was originally a Studebaker dealership in the early 1950's. But it wasn't until 1992, when a small group of like-minded individuals got together to purchase the building, kick starting the journey towards the CCC as we know it today. Their vision was to create a safe and comfortable place for families to gather and enrich lives. The original group, all volunteers, spent countless hours making the building comfortable, but were limited by a lack of funds to create the space they dreamed was possible.
In 1996 the CCC became a legal non-profit 501(c)(3), which made the possibility of applying for grants feasible. Some small grants were awarded, mainly for arts programs, enabling the CCC to offer classes for local children and entertainment for the community. Still, the facility was in dire need of renovations. With more research and participation, the group began to explore larger possibilities for funding. Collaborations, grant-writing instruction and determination ensued, and the CCC received several substantial grants that totaled over $500,000! The building renovations began and over time the community received a beautiful, new, state-of-the-art Community Center.

What We Do Now
Now after 30 plus years, we have found our stride bringing positive, measurable changes to both the community and our organization. Through community involvement and kind labor, financial donations, volunteers, and enduring non-profit partnership, we thrive to continue offering opportunities to not only our current membership but the generations yet to come.
During the recent pandemic, we have collectively and individually recognized what an integral part of this community the center has become. We are currently developing new programs to better serve and support our local community. All programs that we offer are founded primarily through monetary contributions from community center members, grants, and in-kind volunteers.
See our membership page to learn how you can contribute.